Carte de circuit imprimé du moniteur d'alimentation
La carte de circuit imprimé du contrôleur d'alimentation comprend un boîtier et une carte de circuit imprimé. L'avant du boîtier comporte un écran d'affichage, des voyants lumineux et des boutons. Il y a quatre boutons sous l'écran d'affichage. Il y a des plug-ins à l'arrière du boîtier. Terminal de numérotation; la carte de circuit imprimé comprend un module d'échantillonnage, un module de mesure, un module de stockage, un module de mesure d'énergie électrique, un module de surveillance de l'alimentation, un module de surveillance du réseau électrique, un module de date et d'heure et une interface de communication. L'interface de communication est une interface de communication RS485.

PCB Circuit Board of Electric Power Monitor
The PCB circuit board of the electric power monitor includes a housing and a circuit board. The front part of the housing has a display screen, an indicator lamp and a button. There are four buttons under the display screen. The rear part of the housing has a plug-in terminal. The circuit board includes a sampling module, a measurement module, a storage module, an electric energy metering module, and a plug-in terminal. Electricity monitoring module, power network monitoring module, date and time module and communication interface, the communication interface is RS485 communication interface.

PCB Circuit Board of Electric Power Monitor
The PCB circuit board of the electric power monitor includes a housing and a circuit board. The front part of the housing has a display screen, an indicator lamp and a button. There are four buttons under the display screen. The rear part of the housing has a plug-in terminal. The circuit board includes a sampling module, a measurement module, a storage module, an electric energy metering module, and a plug-in terminal. Electricity monitoring module, power network monitoring module, date and time module and communication interface, the communication interface is RS485 communication interface.

PCB Circuit Board of Electric Power Monitor
The PCB circuit board of the electric power monitor includes a housing and a circuit board. The front part of the housing has a display screen, an indicator lamp and a button. There are four buttons under the display screen. The rear part of the housing has a plug-in terminal. The circuit board includes a sampling module, a measurement module, a storage module, an electric energy metering module, and a plug-in terminal. Electricity monitoring module, power network monitoring module, date and time module and communication interface, the communication interface is RS485 communication interface.