Machine de recharge portable Boss
Modèle de produit: CZJ-004
Description du produit La recherche et le développement indépendants du fabricant, les puces importées, la machine de recharge multifonction contrôlée par micro-ordinateur, la batterie au lithium intégrée, la recharge mobile est pratique et pratique, vous pouvez acheter une carte d'eau vierge de l'extérieur pour la recharger, non sous le contrôle du fabricant, économiser le coût d'achat de la carte et maximiser le profit . Il convient pour recharger les cartes IC des machines automatiques de recharge de cartes de crédit à pièces, des lave-autos en libre-service, des machines à café en libre-service, des distributeurs de boissons en libre-service et d'autres machines.
détails du produit:
Nom de la machine de recharge: machine de recharge portable YM-CZJ-004
Dimensions de la machine de recharge portable: 204 * 100 * 35 MM
Avantages de la machine de recharge portable:
1: puce importée, contrôle de micro-ordinateur.
2: Le matériau de la coque est en ABS et le caoutchouc extérieur est en TPE, qui est antidérapant et résistant à l'usure.
3: batterie au lithium 18650 intégrée, longue durée de veille, recharge mobile pratique, avec fonction d'arrêt automatique.
4: Vous pouvez acheter une carte d'eau vierge à recharger vous-même, ce qui n'est pas contrôlé par le fabricant, ce qui économise considérablement les coûts et maximise les profits.
5: Le mot de passe de l'ancienne ancienne carte peut être modifié pour faciliter la gestion unifiée.
6: Il y a le paiement des employés et le paiement du patron, ce qui protège davantage les intérêts du patron.
Classification des machines de recharge portables:
1: Paiement simple (paiement des employés)
2: modèle multifonctionnel (modèle de boss)
Fonctions de la machine de recharge portable simple:
1: entrez le mot de passe
2: rechargez la carte d'eau IC
Fonctions de la machine de recharge portable multifonction:
1: recharge
2: Changer le mot de passe de la machine de recharge
3: créer une carte de réglage (changer le mot de passe de la carte de commande principale)
4: émission de la carte (changez l'ancienne fonction de mot de passe de la carte d'eau IC, rechargez la carte d'eau IC vierge et définissez la fonction de mot de passe)
Domaines d'application des machines de recharge portables:
Il convient aux machines de recharge telles que les distributeurs automatiques d'eau pour cartes de crédit, les machines à laver les voitures, les machines à laver, les machines à boissons, les machines à café, etc., ainsi que les machines à recharger les membres. En bref, il convient à toute industrie qui a besoin de recharger des cartes IC. (Avant la prise de vue, assurez-vous de communiquer avec l'ingénieur pour voir si le programme doit être affiné pour garantir une utilisation de haute qualité à 100%)
Après-vente de machines de recharge portables:
Garantie d'un an et assistance technique gratuite.
L'image originale de la machine de recharge portable:
L'entreprise dispose de quatre machines d'appoint auto-développées:
1: machine de recharge de version ordinateur (utilisée en se connectant à un ordinateur)
2: Version hors ligne de la machine de recharge (ancien modèle qui a été expédié depuis longtemps, sera abandonné, précommande dès que possible)
3: Machine de recharge de type compteur, version améliorée, atmosphère haut de gamme, connectée à l'alimentation lors de la recharge, haute performance et même fonction que la machine de recharge portable.
4: Machine de recharge portative, batterie au lithium intégrée, recharge mobile pratique, haute qualité et haute performance.
Parce que nous sommes des ventes directes d'usine, des conseils techniques rentables et professionnels et un service après-vente attentif.
La société a développé indépendamment le système de contrôle principal qui peut être utilisé avec la machine de recharge, et les principaux systèmes de contrôle qui sont en vente sont:
1: Le module du système de contrôle du distributeur automatique d'eau à jetons par carte de crédit dans la communauté (360 yuans-498 yuans)
2: module de système de contrôle de machine à laver à carte magnétique en libre-service (280 yuans-400 yuans)
3: module de système de contrôle de pièces de monnaie à carte magnétique un à quatre (280 yuans-400 yuans)
Vendez un grand nombre de cartes d'eau IC, 1,98 yuans par pièce, de grandes quantités peuvent être personnalisées
L'entreprise vend également des accessoires correspondants: débitmètres, accepteurs de pièces, lecteurs de cartes, électrovannes, boutons, transformateurs, terminaux divers, etc.

Boss-style hand-held recharging machine
Product model: CZJ-004
Product Description Manufacturer independently developed, imported chips, multi-functional recharging machine controlled by micro-computer, built-in lithium batteries, mobile recharge is convenient, you can buy blank water cards from outside to recharge, not controlled by the manufacturer, save the cost of purchasing cards, to maximize profits. It is suitable for recharging IC cards of machines such as coin-swiping recharging machine, car washing machine, coffee machine and beverage machine.
Product details:
Name of recharging machine: handheld recharging machine YM-CZJ-004
Hand-held recharging machine shape size: 204*100*35MM
The advantages of hand-held recharging machine are as follows:
1: Imported chips, micro-computer control.
2: The shell material is ABS, the outer glue is TPE, anti-skid and wear-resistant.
3: Built-in 18650 lithium battery, long standby time, convenient mobile recharge, with automatic shutdown function.
4: Can buy their own blank water card recharge, not controlled by the manufacturer, greatly saving costs and maximizing profits.
5: The password of the old card can be changed to facilitate unified management.
6: Employees'and bosses' funds protect the interests of bosses more.
Classification of hand-held recharging machines:
1: Simple payment (employee payment)
2: Multifunctional (Boss)
Functions of simple hand-held recharging machine:
1: Enter the password
2: recharge IC water card
Functions of multi-functional hand-held recharging machine:
1: recharge
2: Change the recharge secret code
3: Make a setup card (change the password of the main control board)
4: Card issuance (changing the password function of old IC water card, recharging the blank IC water card and setting the password function)
The application field of hand recharging machine:
It is suitable for recharging machines such as automatic credit card sellers, car washers, washing machines, beverage machines, coffee machines and so on. It can also be used as membership recharging machines. In a word, it is suitable for any industry that needs to recharge IC cards. (Before shooting, be sure to communicate with engineers to see if the program needs fine-tuning to ensure 100% high-quality use)
After-sales of hand-held recharging machines:
One year warranty, free technical support.
The original picture of hand-held recharging machine shows:
The company has four self-developed recharging machines:
1: Computer version recharging machine (link computer use)
2: Off-line recharging machine (old model with long shipment will be discontinued soon and advance purchase will be expedited)
3: Counter recharging machine, upgraded version, high-grade atmosphere, when recharging link power supply, high-performance, the same function as hand-held recharging machine.
4: Hand-held recharging machine, built-in lithium battery, mobile recharging convenient, high quality and high performance.
Because we are manufacturer direct sales, cost-effective, professional technical guidance, careful after-sales service.
The company has independently developed the main control system which can match the recharging machine and is being sold.
1: Control System Module of Auto-swipe Card and Coin Vending Machine in Residential Area (360-498 yuan)
2: Control system module of self-service coin-swiping card washing machine (280-400 yuan)
3: One tow four swipe card coin control system module (280 - 400 yuan)
Sales of a large number of IC water cards, 1.98 yuan a piece, a large number of customizable patterns
The company also sells related matching accessories: flowmeters, coins, card brushers, solenoid valves, keys, transformers, various terminals and so on.
产品描述 厂家自主研发,进口芯片,微电脑控制多功能充值机,内置锂电池,移动充值方便便捷,可以从外面自己购买空白水卡来充值,不受厂家控制,节约购卡成本,达到利润最大化。适用于给自动投币刷卡充值机、自助洗车机、自助咖啡机、自助饮料机等机器的IC卡充值。
充值机名称:手持式充值机 YM-CZJ-004

Boss-style hand-held recharging machine
Product model: CZJ-004
Product Description Manufacturer independently developed, imported chips, multi-functional recharging machine controlled by micro-computer, built-in lithium batteries, mobile recharge is convenient, you can buy blank water cards from outside to recharge, not controlled by the manufacturer, save the cost of purchasing cards, to maximize profits. It is suitable for recharging IC cards of machines such as coin-swiping recharging machine, car washing machine, coffee machine and beverage machine.
Product details:
Name of recharging machine: handheld recharging machine YM-CZJ-004
Hand-held recharging machine shape size: 204*100*35MM
The advantages of hand-held recharging machine are as follows:
1: Imported chips, micro-computer control.
2: The shell material is ABS, the outer glue is TPE, anti-skid and wear-resistant.
3: Built-in 18650 lithium battery, long standby time, convenient mobile recharge, with automatic shutdown function.
4: Can buy their own blank water card recharge, not controlled by the manufacturer, greatly saving costs and maximizing profits.
5: The password of the old card can be changed to facilitate unified management.
6: Employees'and bosses' funds protect the interests of bosses more.
Classification of hand-held recharging machines:
1: Simple payment (employee payment)
2: Multifunctional (Boss)
Functions of simple hand-held recharging machine:
1: Enter the password
2: recharge IC water card
Functions of multi-functional hand-held recharging machine:
1: recharge
2: Change the recharge secret code
3: Make a setup card (change the password of the main control board)
4: Card issuance (changing the password function of old IC water card, recharging the blank IC water card and setting the password function)
The application field of hand recharging machine:
It is suitable for recharging machines such as automatic credit card sellers, car washers, washing machines, beverage machines, coffee machines and so on. It can also be used as membership recharging machines. In a word, it is suitable for any industry that needs to recharge IC cards. (Before shooting, be sure to communicate with engineers to see if the program needs fine-tuning to ensure 100% high-quality use)
After-sales of hand-held recharging machines:
One year warranty, free technical support.
The original picture of hand-held recharging machine shows:
The company has four self-developed recharging machines:
1: Computer version recharging machine (link computer use)
2: Off-line recharging machine (old model with long shipment will be discontinued soon and advance purchase will be expedited)
3: Counter recharging machine, upgraded version, high-grade atmosphere, when recharging link power supply, high-performance, the same function as hand-held recharging machine.
4: Hand-held recharging machine, built-in lithium battery, mobile recharging convenient, high quality and high performance.
Because we are manufacturer direct sales, cost-effective, professional technical guidance, careful after-sales service.
The company has independently developed the main control system which can match the recharging machine and is being sold.
1: Control System Module of Auto-swipe Card and Coin Vending Machine in Residential Area (360-498 yuan)
2: Control system module of self-service coin-swiping card washing machine (280-400 yuan)
3: One tow four swipe card coin control system module (280 - 400 yuan)
Sales of a large number of IC water cards, 1.98 yuan a piece, a large number of customizable patterns
The company also sells related matching accessories: flowmeters, coins, card brushers, solenoid valves, keys, transformers, various terminals and so on.
产品描述 厂家自主研发,进口芯片,微电脑控制多功能充值机,内置锂电池,移动充值方便便捷,可以从外面自己购买空白水卡来充值,不受厂家控制,节约购卡成本,达到利润最大化。适用于给自动投币刷卡充值机、自助洗车机、自助咖啡机、自助饮料机等机器的IC卡充值。
充值机名称:手持式充值机 YM-CZJ-004

Boss-style hand-held recharging machine
Product model: CZJ-004
Product Description Manufacturer independently developed, imported chips, multi-functional recharging machine controlled by micro-computer, built-in lithium batteries, mobile recharge is convenient, you can buy blank water cards from outside to recharge, not controlled by the manufacturer, save the cost of purchasing cards, to maximize profits. It is suitable for recharging IC cards of machines such as coin-swiping recharging machine, car washing machine, coffee machine and beverage machine.
Product details:
Name of recharging machine: handheld recharging machine YM-CZJ-004
Hand-held recharging machine shape size: 204*100*35MM
The advantages of hand-held recharging machine are as follows:
1: Imported chips, micro-computer control.
2: The shell material is ABS, the outer glue is TPE, anti-skid and wear-resistant.
3: Built-in 18650 lithium battery, long standby time, convenient mobile recharge, with automatic shutdown function.
4: Can buy their own blank water card recharge, not controlled by the manufacturer, greatly saving costs and maximizing profits.
5: The password of the old card can be changed to facilitate unified management.
6: Employees'and bosses' funds protect the interests of bosses more.
Classification of hand-held recharging machines:
1: Simple payment (employee payment)
2: Multifunctional (Boss)
Functions of simple hand-held recharging machine:
1: Enter the password
2: recharge IC water card
Functions of multi-functional hand-held recharging machine:
1: recharge
2: Change the recharge secret code
3: Make a setup card (change the password of the main control board)
4: Card issuance (changing the password function of old IC water card, recharging the blank IC water card and setting the password function)
The application field of hand recharging machine:
It is suitable for recharging machines such as automatic credit card sellers, car washers, washing machines, beverage machines, coffee machines and so on. It can also be used as membership recharging machines. In a word, it is suitable for any industry that needs to recharge IC cards. (Before shooting, be sure to communicate with engineers to see if the program needs fine-tuning to ensure 100% high-quality use)
After-sales of hand-held recharging machines:
One year warranty, free technical support.
The original picture of hand-held recharging machine shows:
The company has four self-developed recharging machines:
1: Computer version recharging machine (link computer use)
2: Off-line recharging machine (old model with long shipment will be discontinued soon and advance purchase will be expedited)
3: Counter recharging machine, upgraded version, high-grade atmosphere, when recharging link power supply, high-performance, the same function as hand-held recharging machine.
4: Hand-held recharging machine, built-in lithium battery, mobile recharging convenient, high quality and high performance.
Because we are manufacturer direct sales, cost-effective, professional technical guidance, careful after-sales service.
The company has independently developed the main control system which can match the recharging machine and is being sold.
1: Control System Module of Auto-swipe Card and Coin Vending Machine in Residential Area (360-498 yuan)
2: Control system module of self-service coin-swiping card washing machine (280-400 yuan)
3: One tow four swipe card coin control system module (280 - 400 yuan)
Sales of a large number of IC water cards, 1.98 yuan a piece, a large number of customizable patterns
The company also sells related matching accessories: flowmeters, coins, card brushers, solenoid valves, keys, transformers, various terminals and so on.