Placa de circuito PCB de monitor de potencia
La placa de circuito de PCB del monitor de potencia incluye una carcasa y una placa de circuito. La parte frontal de la carcasa tiene una pantalla, luces indicadoras y botones. Hay cuatro botones debajo de la pantalla. Hay complementos en la parte posterior de la carcasa. Terminal de marcación: la placa de circuito incluye un módulo de muestreo, un módulo de medición, un módulo de almacenamiento, un módulo de medición de energía eléctrica, un módulo de monitoreo de potencia, un módulo de monitoreo de red eléctrica, un módulo de fecha y hora y una interfaz de comunicación. La interfaz de comunicación es una interfaz de comunicación RS485.

PCB Circuit Board of Electric Power Monitor
The PCB circuit board of the electric power monitor includes a housing and a circuit board. The front part of the housing has a display screen, an indicator lamp and a button. There are four buttons under the display screen. The rear part of the housing has a plug-in terminal. The circuit board includes a sampling module, a measurement module, a storage module, an electric energy metering module, and a plug-in terminal. Electricity monitoring module, power network monitoring module, date and time module and communication interface, the communication interface is RS485 communication interface.

PCB Circuit Board of Electric Power Monitor
The PCB circuit board of the electric power monitor includes a housing and a circuit board. The front part of the housing has a display screen, an indicator lamp and a button. There are four buttons under the display screen. The rear part of the housing has a plug-in terminal. The circuit board includes a sampling module, a measurement module, a storage module, an electric energy metering module, and a plug-in terminal. Electricity monitoring module, power network monitoring module, date and time module and communication interface, the communication interface is RS485 communication interface.

PCB Circuit Board of Electric Power Monitor
The PCB circuit board of the electric power monitor includes a housing and a circuit board. The front part of the housing has a display screen, an indicator lamp and a button. There are four buttons under the display screen. The rear part of the housing has a plug-in terminal. The circuit board includes a sampling module, a measurement module, a storage module, an electric energy metering module, and a plug-in terminal. Electricity monitoring module, power network monitoring module, date and time module and communication interface, the communication interface is RS485 communication interface.