Esta es una placa pcba de un telémetro láser. El telémetro láser ha sido personalizado para un cliente. Este producto está diseñado para medir la longitud y la distancia utilizando las características de luz, sonido, reflexión e interferencia de ondas electromagnéticas instrumento. Basado en la medición de longitud, el nuevo telémetro puede usar los resultados de medición de longitud para realizar cálculos científicos sobre el área, circunferencia, volumen, masa y otros parámetros del objetivo a medir. Es ampliamente utilizado en aplicaciones de ingeniería, encuestas SIG, militares y otros campos. El alcance de la aplicación.

This is a PCBA board of laser rangefinder. It has been customized for a customer to process laser rangefinder. This product is designed for measuring length and distance by utilizing the characteristics of light, sound, reflection and interference of electromagnetic wave. Based on the length measurement, the new range finder can use the length measurement results to calculate the area, perimeter, volume, mass and other parameters of the target scientifically. It has a wide range of applications in engineering applications, GIS survey, military and other fields.

This is a PCBA board of laser rangefinder. It has been customized for a customer to process laser rangefinder. This product is designed for measuring length and distance by utilizing the characteristics of light, sound, reflection and interference of electromagnetic wave. Based on the length measurement, the new range finder can use the length measurement results to calculate the area, perimeter, volume, mass and other parameters of the target scientifically. It has a wide range of applications in engineering applications, GIS survey, military and other fields.

This is a PCBA board of laser rangefinder. It has been customized for a customer to process laser rangefinder. This product is designed for measuring length and distance by utilizing the characteristics of light, sound, reflection and interference of electromagnetic wave. Based on the length measurement, the new range finder can use the length measurement results to calculate the area, perimeter, volume, mass and other parameters of the target scientifically. It has a wide range of applications in engineering applications, GIS survey, military and other fields.