El rompecabezas PCBA de procesamiento de placas de circuito de Massager es un producto de pcba hecho para un cliente. Este producto utiliza tecnología digital y la intensidad, la función y el modo de luz son ajustables. Use un parche de electrodo infrarrojo para cubrir un área más grande. Mediante la combinación de métodos de rotación de cabezales de masaje, los usuarios pueden experimentar masajes, golpes y amasamientos, y disfrutar de la sensación real del masaje antropomórfico de manos.

Massage circuit board processing PCBA jigsaw is a PCBA product made for a customer. This product applies digital technology, intensity, function and light mode adjustable system. Using infrared electrode patch, the coverage area is larger. Through the combination of rotating ways of massage head, users can really experience massage, thumping, kneading, and enjoy the true feeling of anthropomorphic massage.
按摩器电路板加工 PCBA拼板,是为某客户制作的pcba产品,此产品应用数码技术,强度、功能、灯光模式可调系统。使用红外线电极贴片,覆盖面积更大。通过按摩头旋转方式的组合,让用户切实体会到推拿、捶击、揉捏,享受拟人手按摩的真实感觉 。

Massage circuit board processing PCBA jigsaw is a PCBA product made for a customer. This product applies digital technology, intensity, function and light mode adjustable system. Using infrared electrode patch, the coverage area is larger. Through the combination of rotating ways of massage head, users can really experience massage, thumping, kneading, and enjoy the true feeling of anthropomorphic massage.
按摩器电路板加工 PCBA拼板,是为某客户制作的pcba产品,此产品应用数码技术,强度、功能、灯光模式可调系统。使用红外线电极贴片,覆盖面积更大。通过按摩头旋转方式的组合,让用户切实体会到推拿、捶击、揉捏,享受拟人手按摩的真实感觉 。

Massage circuit board processing PCBA jigsaw is a PCBA product made for a customer. This product applies digital technology, intensity, function and light mode adjustable system. Using infrared electrode patch, the coverage area is larger. Through the combination of rotating ways of massage head, users can really experience massage, thumping, kneading, and enjoy the true feeling of anthropomorphic massage.