Sistema de Instantánea Automática Esquema de Violación Silbato
1. La sonda de sonda integrada utiliza la tecnología de sonda y radar de matriz en fase para detectar y localizar el comportamiento del silbato del automóvil.
2. Consiste en una cámara de alta definición y un procesador de reconocimiento de captura de rastreo de vehículos.Después de que la sonda acústica detecta el silbato del automóvil, rastrea y captura el número de placa del vehículo que silba.
3. Vinculado con el sistema de aplicación de la ley de la policía de tránsito, cargue la evidencia del comportamiento ilegal de silbido de vehículos en el sistema de aplicación de la ley de la policía de tránsito, y muestre la placa del número del vehículo ilegal en tiempo real en la pantalla de visualización electrónica, o póngala en equipos terminales móviles como los teléfonos móviles de los agentes de la ley.

Automatic snapping of violating whistle
Functional characteristics:
1. Integrated sonar probe, using sonar and phased array radar technology, detects car whistling behavior and locates.
2. The high-definition camera and the vehicle tracking and snapping recognition processor are composed. After the acoustic probe detects the car whistle, the vehicle license plate number of the whistling vehicle is tracked and snapped.
3. In conjunction with the traffic police law enforcement system, the evidence of illegal vehicle whistling behavior is uploaded to the traffic police law enforcement system, and the illegal vehicle number plate is displayed in real time on the spot through the electronic display screen, or pushed to the mobile terminal equipment such as the law enforcement personnel's mobile phone.
Las alertas de violación se toman automáticamente
Use la tecnología de sonda para localizar con precisión cualquier fuente de ruido, use la tecnología de reconocimiento de huellas de voz para extraer las características del sonido de la bocina, elimine la interferencia ambiental (como frenos, canto de pájaros, danza cuadrada, voz humana, silbato, etc.) y ubique con precisión el vehículo de advertencia real , Grabación de video y colas de vehículos de advertencia

Automatic snapping of violating whistle
Functional characteristics:
1. Integrated sonar probe, using sonar and phased array radar technology, detects car whistling behavior and locates.
2. The high-definition camera and the vehicle tracking and snapping recognition processor are composed. After the acoustic probe detects the car whistle, the vehicle license plate number of the whistling vehicle is tracked and snapped.
3. In conjunction with the traffic police law enforcement system, the evidence of illegal vehicle whistling behavior is uploaded to the traffic police law enforcement system, and the illegal vehicle number plate is displayed in real time on the spot through the electronic display screen, or pushed to the mobile terminal equipment such as the law enforcement personnel's mobile phone.
公开时间: 2018-04-26 11:21

Automatic snapping of violating whistle
Functional characteristics:
1. Integrated sonar probe, using sonar and phased array radar technology, detects car whistling behavior and locates.
2. The high-definition camera and the vehicle tracking and snapping recognition processor are composed. After the acoustic probe detects the car whistle, the vehicle license plate number of the whistling vehicle is tracked and snapped.
3. In conjunction with the traffic police law enforcement system, the evidence of illegal vehicle whistling behavior is uploaded to the traffic police law enforcement system, and the illegal vehicle number plate is displayed in real time on the spot through the electronic display screen, or pushed to the mobile terminal equipment such as the law enforcement personnel's mobile phone.
公开时间: 2018-04-26 11:21